
Lithify Pty Ltd was founded by Michael Outhwaite in 2015.
Michael is a skilled structural geologist and mineral explorer, with a BSc (1st Class Honours) from Curtin University (2002) and a research MSc (Distinction) from the University of Western Australia (2017). Since 2002, he has worked in company-based and consulting roles, covering numerous commodities and deposit styles, both in Australia and internationally (South America, North America, Europe, Asia and Africa).
Michael is credited with the greenfields discovery of the 1.7 Moz Lake Roe gold camp, 100 km east of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, and has significantly contributed to other gold, lithium and nickel-copper-PGE discoveries. His key motivations are understanding mineral systems, discovering more of them, and teaching critical field skills to early-career geologists.
The PDF resume below contains further details of Michael's skills, experience, education, publications, professional memberships and interests. References and selected publications can be provided on request (use Contact page).